Saturday, January 8, 2011

One week in...

What. A. Week.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday went exactly as planned: wake up early, take Claire to daycare, workout, and then be productive either around the house or getting ready to go back to work. Tuesday night we got to watch Scott win 10-0 in soccer action against Northeast Lauderdale.   Wednesday....the fun stopped. 
As I was picking up Claire from daycare, I was informed that one child had been sent home with the stomach virus.  For the general population, this is disconcerting.  For me, it is complete and utter panic.  I hate the stomach virus above all other physical illnesses.  And once one kid at daycare gets it, so do all the rest, and their parents.  For the rest of the night, I washed my hands approximately every 3 minutes.  Basically, if I touched Claire, I washed my hands.  One of the things about myself that I am LEAST proud of is my ability to produce psychosomatic symptoms. (btw, I LOVE the word "psychosomatic"...I think it makes me sound smart :) ). I would periodically decide that I felt nauseated and be sure that I was getting the virus.  Claire made it to our room sometime in the middle of the night Wednesday night, and I must have asked her 4-5 times if she felt okay.  That's right...I asked her in the middle of the night.  Meaning, I would wake her up to ask her if she felt okay.  The next morning, I proceeded to put an a small pill bottle full of Phenergan, Zofran, and various other stomach remedies in my purse in case I got sick at work. Panic mode lasted for about 3 days. Knock on wood, we haven't gotten it yet.  However, my general rule of thumb is that you are not completely in the clear until 7 days after the initial person is infected.  4 more to go!

After two long, but extremely productive days of work, we got to enjoy 2 more soccer games.  The first was a 12-0 victory over Purvis.  With such a big lead, Claire got to spend almost the entire second half on the sidelines with Daddy and the girls.  SO much fun! 
Saturday we suffered a heartbreaking loss to West Jones 4-1.  Still so proud of my husband and his team.  They are really great kids. 

Tomorrow will be full of church, rest, and maybe riding out a winter storm.  Hopefully I can work in a small workout before the weather gets too bad.  That will make it 4 workouts for this week.  I think that to start off, 3-5 workouts a week is a doable goal.  In reference to another goal I mentioned last time, I am going to learn how to teach an online course for this summer.  That will go down in the "try new things" column.  woohoo!
Still not sure about this whole "blog" thing, but will give it at least 2 months.  Next week i will try to have more pictures!

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